Let me tell you, this time I was pissed off! You are BLATANTLY trying to rip off this system. So... I called the power company directly.
PowerLady: "Restitution Department." (I am not lying. That's the name of the department).
Supermommie: "Um hi (whispering). I need to report someone that I think, no, I mean I'm pretty sure that they are stealing power."
PowerLady: "Are you standing outside, because if you aren't, you don't have to whisper."
SuperMommie: "Oh, right, sorry."
So I tell her my story and you know what they told me? They have already been out to the complex.
SM: "So I'm not the first person to report this?"
PL: "You aren't even the second."
SM: "Get out of town! So y'all are gonna come back out, right?"
PL: "Yes ma'am we are. We take theft of power very seriously."
SM: "I do too," I said smiling. Then I remembered something very important.
SM: "Hey, I can remain anonymous right?"
PL: "Yes ma'am, you can."
SM: "Am I still illegible for a reward?"
PL: "There isn't a reward."
SM: "Oh, ok."
So I've officially become a snitch and you know what? I don't give a rat's ass! I just plopped down over $100 last month AND my water bill just went up by $11. I'm a single super mommie. I don't have extra money hanging around.
As I have stated once before...if I gotta pay for power, you gotta pay for power.
I still don't understand why there isn't a reward!

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