I bought the juicer!!! It only took me a year to take the plunge! You'd think that it would have been easier for me to make the purchase. It's not like it was a high ticket purchase. Heck, I've decided to get married in less time than that! No, it was more of the commitment to juicing. Once you make the purchase, you really have to do it cause any excuse you had is gone!
So, I got it and used it last night. It was great! I did a carrot, ginger, pineapple concoction that was nice (The Princess turned up her nose at it and said it was nasty. I never liked her anyway). Tonight, I'm trying a orange juice, carrot, spinach thing. Yum, yum. I'll take a picture and post.
1 step closer to completing
101 things! Yeah me!!
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