My time is valuable. Don't tell me that we are going to lunch "about 2 o'clock." Don't tell me that you "think" your appointment (the one you want me to attend with you) is on the 18th. Don't tell me that you'll call me and let me know where we are going later. And, don't call me at the last minute and cancel something that you clearly could have cancelled earlier.
I have been very lax about my day planner when it comes to friends and family. Now, when it comes to doctor's and business appointments and such, if I have to wait a moment longer than I think is appropriate, I'm gone. But, when family and friends give "fluffy" times and dates, I let them slide.
Well, I have an hourly rate (I think I mentioned that up top). And, just like English class in college, if you are 16 minutes late, I get to go home. Not sure what time you want to get together for drinks? Well, I'm taking my thirsty arse home and drink there. Don't want to commit to which play you want to see at the theatre? Then tomorrow I'll tell you about the play I went to see by myself.
As I age beautiful (such as fine wines and cheeses) I become more "me" friendly. I've given myself permission to do things for myself. One of those things is to demand respect for my hourly rate.
So, from now on you will respect my hourly rate. I treasure the time that I spend with my friends and family. But, my time has a price tag on it (as should yours). I will charge for missed appointments and overtime. I will not overbook my calendar and I will block out time for returning phone calls, sending letters and quiet time in my office.
And if you don't know how to behave, I will send out letters of release.

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