And, thanks to the fam for the flowers and cake. Oh, yeah and thanks for eating most of the cake! No, really, I didn't need all the calories. And thanks for breakfast, lunch, and dinner all weekend. I've never eaten quite as much as I did this weekend. The food was de-lish!
And super thanks for the shopping trip. Ma Mere and Auntie can be some wild ladies!! I had a great time with you two. Love ya'll.

And my "bookies" - thank you for the reading material. You guys were right on the money. It will take me a month to read everything you sent but I will enjoy it all the same!!
And last, but never least, I have to give a big hug and kiss to The Princess. She is truly my reason for breathing. She is the best birthday present a girl can every have. Thank you my princess!!
And thank you readers, all 4 of you, for letting me have my mushy, smushy moment.
Now back to the snarkiness that you know and love me for!!
Now back to the snarkiness that you know and love me for!!
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