I've spent the morning (you know, while working) looking at summer sandals and dreaming. A sporty pair for the baseball game, the sexy pair for the class reunion, the casual pair for nice dinners out with the fam. I didn't order any but I've made mental appointments to visit 3 shoe stores Saturday. I'll be there bright and early with cash in hand!
I also picked up 3 new bottles of nail polish!! New nail polish for a new year! They will look so nice on freshly manicured toesies. They are all shades of soft pink. My feet like soft shades of pink in the summer. I go a bit darker in the winter but softer in the summer. I don't care what the fashion trends are -- my toes like what they like!
And, this weekend, I looked at sundresses. I wanted to add to the one that I got 2 weeks ago. The Princess picked up 2 really cute skirts and I tried on a few things but nothing worked. That's okay. This weekend will be more of the same. Nice, light, summery materials only. Winter wool need not apply.
Oh, I also looked at new chairs for the patio. They were on sale and I need to have something to sit on as I read a good book while sipping on an adult slushie. The Princess can have fruit punch.
And homemade ice cream! I've been collecting recipes all winter. Nutella ice cream. Lemon ice cream. Praline pecan ice cream. OMG. I am so ready. The ice cream maker has been sitting in the corner staring at me all winter. "Open me! Play with me! Love me!". I promise little ice cream maker, it's almost time!
So rain drops, you can continue to fall on my head but I'll be thinking of summer.

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