The launch page (because it just launched this week) has homework tasks. Oh how I love homework that involves writing. Why? Well, heck -- it's the same as talking but you write the words down instead.
Well, I've missed some assignments (my dog ate them - yeah, yeah, what dog? i know). I am a good student so, I plan on spending the next few days making up my homework (I sure hope I don't get in trouble!!). Then, I'll try to stay on track as much as I can.
Monday, March 1st: Challenge #1: What makes you feel fabulous?
A warm, sunny day where everything goes just right -- The shoes that I try on fit (and they are on sale!). Everything that I pick up at the farmer's market is fresh and sweet. The Princess is on her best royal behavior. And that book that I started reading is finally to the juicy part!!
Tuesday, March 2nd: Challenge #2: Who is your Tribe?
I have the worlds best tribe. I have what someone else dubbed, 'my council'. I have friends from 20 years ago and family (that I can't seem to get rid of - lol). They all understand who I am and allow me to be that person. They don't chastise me if I fall -- they lend a hand and pick me up. They let my quirky nature shine and help me sand all the rough places smooth.
Wednesday, March 3rd: Challenge #3: What is your gift?
That's easy - and no, it's not what you think. I have the gift of happiness. I have always been happy. I mean yes, I have sad times and times when I get angry. But it doesn't last long. I try to spread my happiness to others but some people don't want to be happy. They don't see happy as something they can be. I've been through enough rough stuff to know, no one can make you happy -- you make yourself happy.
Thursday, March 4th: Challenge #4: What makes you a Power Mom or Wonder Woman?
I would say that it's the cape I keep in my closet all the time but that's for another use. I'm a power mom because I love my job -- my first job; the one that doesn't pay in cash but hugs and kisses. The one that has loooong hours but the second you take a vacation, you want to go right back to the job. The one that is without hazard pay but maxes out in bonuses. The one that I didn't choose-it chose me. Thank God. Without this job, I'd be a poor, lost soul without a home. I love being mom to the Princess. I put it on top of my resume!

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