

You see that blog roll on the right side over there? Take a look at the one that says Sarcastically Yours. Yep, that one. That's the Tall Girl. I've known her for many years now. She gave me a gift today! She gave me my first housewarming gift! Two pictures; two big pictures; two big, nice pictures; two, big, nice pictures to go in my Salon de formale (3' X 3' dining room).

Her gift really got my creative juices flowing. I mean anytime you move into a new place, you get the opportunity to do something new, different, start fresh. I decided to change the color of my table to match the base color of the pictures and to add pears to the design of my Salon de formale. I'm going to stain the table.

Thanks Tall Girl.

Thanks for helping me spend more money that I don't have anyway!

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