Ma Mere is the head baker in our family. The rest of us take from her and put our own spin on things. We can all make a sweet potato pie, but why in the heck would we want to? We have to measure and stuff, and Ma Mere knows exactly how much of what to put in. She can look at the color of the mixture and tell if it's sweet enough. Ahhhh. I can taste it now. Homemade crust all crumbly, warm and sweet pie mixture set firmly inside...perhaps I'll do my part and make homemade whipped creme to go on top.
This year, I plan to bake until the house smells of nothing but cinnamon and nutmeg (without having to use candles). The folks at work will be so happy cause I'm gonna take most of it in. The Princess will help taste the food and will put up lights everywhere. In my house, we decorate for every holiday. No matter what the occasion, it looks like the decoration fairy came and threw up in our little bitty living space. Beautiful.
So just picture it folks -- the room is backlit with beautiful green, red, blue and orange Christmas tree lights. The TV is tuned to the "The Christmas Story" marathon, mommie and Super Auntie are slightly "happy" from a good dose of egg nog and everyone is singing carols, just a little bit off key. I'm ready. Bring on the holidays!!
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