But I did help...a little. I explained that pink or purple glasses might not be the route she wanted to go. She has a creamy milk chocolate complexion and those pink/purple glasses were clashing with it. So, you either get rid of the face or get rid of the glasses.
I like her face.
So does she.
So does "Walter-Corn-On-The-Cobb" (that's another post, for another time).
So we kept the gorgeous face, and found these incredible frames. Apple Bottom frames. Yes! I don't really condone name brands like that (unless they are Supermommie brand) but they were very, very cute on her face AND they were the right price (Wally World Vision Center shout out!!).
Yep. Hers have a touch of blue on the inside. very stylish. Very hip. Very 8th grade.
I said it...8th grade. She is queen of the playground this year. Next year she will be (vegetarian)lunch meat. Freshman. Bottom of the barrel. Wanna buy a pool pass/elevator pass/executive parking pass. But this year, this year she is on top. She's SELLING pool/elevator/executive bus riding (too young to drive) passes. BPOC! Big Princess On Campus.
BPOC...rocking the Apple Bottom frames. Oh yeah Be-yot-ches!